
《裸阳》 原文阅读笔记



1.The Spacer spoke. “Partner Elijah!”

Baley’shead turned toward the speaker with a jerk. His eyes rounded and he rose almost withou tvolition.

He stared at the face; at the broad, high cheekbones, the absolute calm of thefacial lines, the symmetry of the body, most of all at that level look out of nerveless blue eyes.


The Spacer said, “It is pleasant that you remember me, Partner Elijah.”

“Rememberyou!” Baley felt relief wash over him. This being was a bit of Earth, a friend,a comfort,a savior. He had an almost unbearable desire to rush to the Spacer and embracehim, to hug him wildly, and laugh and pound his back and do all the foolish things old friendsdid when meeting once again after a separation.

Buthe didn’t. He couldn’t. He could only step forward, and hold out his hand andsay, “I’m not likely to forget you, Daneel.”


Baley hoped earnestly that the creature’s unreadable eyes could not penetrate Baley’s mind and see that wild moment, just past and not yet entirely subsided, when all of Baley had concentrated into a feeling ofan intense friendship that was almost love.




“Well, good night,Daneel.”

“I will be in anotherbedroom, Partner Elijah. If, at any time during the night, you need anything--”

“I know. The robots willcome.”

“There is a contact patchon the side table. You have only to touch it. I will come too.”

话说忘记了是在哪里看到看到有人评论说这部里面丹尼尔就像老母鸡保护孩子一样护着贝莱不让他暴露到室外,让人觉得分外可爱。贝莱觉得他和丹尼尔是“nurse-infant relationship”,愤愤不平,不过丹尼尔确实救了他好几次诶。上面这段话里,贝莱本来打断丹尼尔说“我知道机器人会来的”,而丹尼尔特意强调了一遍“他自己也会来的”,我觉得这里潜意识里丹尼尔认为(虽然机器人不会“认为”)自己是贝莱所信赖的对象,那些低级的机器人是比不上他的……




Therewas a perceptible pause before the robot answered. It said, “Do you wish to make contact yourself, sir?”

“That’s right.”

Daneel touched Baley’s sleeve gently. “One moment, Partner Elijah.”




“You could touch him, if you wanted to.”

“That’s right.”

She looked from one to the other and said, “Oh.”

It might have meant anything. Disgust? Revulsion?

Baley toyed with the idea of standing up, walking to Daneel and placing his hand flaton Daneel’s face. It might be interesting to watch her reaction.







“Soshe did. Yet did it seem entirely convincing to you? Twice she allowed herself to be seen in what you would consider a state of improper clothing--”

“Your conclusion,” saidBaley, “is that she was trying to seduce me. Is that it?”

“Seduce you away fromyour professional impersonality. So it would seem to me. And though I cannot share human reactions to stimuli, I would judge, from what has beenimprinted on my instruction circuits, that the lady meets any reasonable standard of physical attractiveness. From your behavior, moreover, it seems tome that you were aware of that and that you approved her appearance. I would evenjudge that Mrs. Delmarre acted rightly in thinking her mode of behavior would predispose you in her favor.”

刚开始接触Gladia的时候丹尼尔怀疑Gladia是不是想要引诱贝莱,他用了一个反问句“Yet did it seem entirelyconvincing to you?”,比起他平时说话的语气可以算得上是重了;反问句后面又来了个强调句强调“twice”——



“Are you perhaps being influenced by extraneous motives of your own, Partner Elijah? Mrs.

Delmarreis an attractive woman and you are an Earthman in whom a preference for thepersonal presence of an attractive woman is not psychotic.”

“I have better reasons,”said Baley uneasily. (Daneel’s cool glance was too penetrating and soul-dissecting by half. Jehoshaphat!The thing was only a machine.)







BALEY WAS aware first of enclosure, the absence of the open, and then of a face bending over him.

He stared for a moment without recognition. Then: “ Daneel!”




Danee lsat unobtrusively in one darkened corner.

Baleysaid, “Are you still afraid of Gladia?”

Therobot said, “I do not think it wise to allow you to sleep alone andunprotected.”


“Youhave no reservations under the First Law, I hope.”

“Ihave some with respect to the conference you wish arranged. Will you be armedand careful ofyour own safety?”

“Iassure you, I will.”

Daneel delivered himself of a sigh that was somehow so human that for a moment Baley found himself trying to penetrate the darkness that he might study the machine-perfect faceof the other.

Daneelsaid, “I have not always found human behavior logical.”




综上所述,第二部为我们展现了一个拥有“chiseled,calm and beautiful face”的“godlike”的忠犬形象,虽然他的忠犬对象是个神经有些粗的死傲娇直男,但他们总算又顺利完成了任务。其实看《裸阳》的时候觉得比《钢穴》要枯燥,但是看到结尾还是有些热血沸腾了——啊,无限浩渺壮阔的太空啊。




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